2028 END Website Homepage Intro Video

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“Great is our Lord, and of Great Power:
His Understanding is Infinite”
(Psalms 147:5)



This is the 11th – 2028 END – confirmation God has done, and brought to my attention since 2013.  And what’s really cool about this confirmation is the odds of it happening can be calculated.  It’s over a 1 in 50 million chance!  That’s basically impossible!  Except with God ALL things are possible!  Let me tell you the story.


In October 2018 I had finished creating our 10 part 2028 END video series, and I found out in December of that year (while making the DVD cover art) that the series was exactly 280 minutes long.  It blew my mind!  And you can learn all about that in Confirmation #10.

Right after that, God told me to place the 10 videos from the 2028 END video series on the homepage of our 2028 END website, so people would instantly have access to them.

Then He asked me to make a short 2028 END introduction video, and to place that video right above the 10 videos (at the top of the homepage).  This video would then be the first video people would see who visit our 2028 END website, introducing them to the message in the 10 part series.  And it would sit there till Christ returns!


So I did everything God asked.  I created a 4 minute 2028 END introduction video in February 2019, and I uploaded the video to YouTube on Feb 28, 2019.  But when I uploaded the video my eyes were immediately drawn to the 11 digit code YouTube’s bots randomly create for every video uploaded to their site.

This unique eleven digit code becomes part of the URL for the video, so it can be shared online.  A URL is a webpage’s unique “address” so it has a home (and can be found) on the internet.  A screenshot of the introduction video’s 11 digit code is below, or click HERE to see the actual video on YouTube and notice its URL.

2028 End Intro Video YouTube URL


Do you see it?  The 11 digit code YouTube randomly generated for our 4 minute 2028 END introduction video began with a 6 and ended with a 28!  WHAT!?!?!  Friend, this is the message in the video!  This is the message I’ve been speaking for God since 2008!

Specifically, “God declared the end from the BEGINNING” (Isaiah 46:10) by using the number 6 — so the code BEGAN with a 6!  And those 6 Creation days foretold a 6,000 year plan, which will END with Christ’s return AD 2028 — so the code ENDED with a 28!!!

Guys, this is virtually impossible!  Everything else in the 11 digit code was just meaningless letters, which made the number 6 (at the beginning) and the number 28 (at the end) stand out like sore thumbs!  The code was screaming the prophetic message in the video — Earth’s 6000 YEAR ENDS 2028.


When I looked closer though, I noticed what I first thought was a capital letter O in the middle of the code was really the number zero (0).  Well, if you read confirmation #10, you know God told me a zero represents time has ran out.  Time has counted down to 0.  No time left!  In other words, the “end”.

So the number 6 in the beginning, the 0 in the middle, and the 28 at the end is saying (right across the board) … Day 6 (earth’s 6,000 year) will END in the year 2028.  Completely mind-blowing!!!


Guys, the odds of YouTube’s bots kicking out this random 11 digit code (having a 6 at the beginning, a 0 in the middle, and a 28 at the end) and nothing else but meaningless letters is more than 1 in 50 million!!!!  1 IN 50 MILLION CHANCE!!!

Folks, that’s virtually impossible!  How did God do this?  How can He control computers!  It’s mind-blowing!  But its obvious God kicked out this code for this video — the most important video He had me make to introduce the world to this “2028 END” message! — which will sit at the top of the 2028 END website till the Lord returns!


Now for the odds, here’s how they’re calculated: Each digit in YouTube’s 11 digit code can be either a lowercase letter (26 letters), or an uppercase letter (26 letters), or one of the 10 digits zero thru 9.  So that’s 62 possible options for each digit in the 11 digit code.

So the odds of getting a 6 for the first digit are a 1 out of 62 chance.  The odds of getting any letter for the second digit are 52 out of 62.  And if you follow these odds out for each digit in the 11 digit code, you get the following (see image below):

Then, if you want the odds of getting this entire 11 digit code, you simply multiply the fractional odds for each of the 11 digits right across the board.  Multiply all the numerator numbers and all the denominator numbers (right across the board) and that’s your odds.

For example, if you roll a 6 sided dice (numbered 1 thru 6) the odds of getting a 5 are 1/6.  If you roll the dice again, the odds of getting a 5 are again 1/6.  But now, to get the odds of rolling a dice twice and landing a 5 both times, you multiply the fractional odds 1/6 x 1/6, which equals 1/36.  Therefore, on average, every 36 times you roll a dice twice you will end up getting two 5’s.


Ok, now that you understand how these odds are calculated, we simply need to multiply all the fractional odds (for each of the 11 digits in our YouTube’s 11 digit code), and then set that fraction equal to 1/X, and solve for X.  The odds are as follows:



So there you have it, folks!  The odds of YouTube generating an 11 digit code beginning with the number 6 and ending with the number 28 — containing nothing else but letters and the number zero — is more than 1 in 50 million chance!  Yet, that’s what God did!

And that’s my “2028 END” message from God (since 2008) … in the beginning God used the number 6 in order to “declare the end from the beginning” (Isaiah 46:10) — which foretold Earth’s 6,000 year — which will arrive (or end) AD 2028.  Stunning!

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