Dinosaurs and Man – Contemporaneous?
“He moveth his TAIL like a CEDAR:the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.”(Job 40:17)
The word “dinosaur” was coined by Sir Richard Owen in 1841. Think about that. That means you won’t find it in ANY ancient literature, because the word didn’t exist! But guess what word did? Dragons! The videos on this page will convince you dinosaurs and man lived together before the Flood — some growing huge! — and they perished in the Flood.
Many skeptics today try to use dinosaurs as a weapon to fight against the faith of Christianity. Can the Bible withstand the onslaught of all the evidence of these so-called “prehistoric” creatures? In the “Dinosaurs & the Bible” seminar Kent Hovind follows clues that trace dinosaurs back to the original creation:
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Dragon images and legends exist all over the world and in nearly every culture. But what if dragons were actually dinosaurs? The popular understanding of the “dinosaur era” is often used to discredit the Bible’s teachings of Creation, a young Earth, and Noah’s Flood. But what if the existence of dinosaurs actually proves what the Bible says? The video “Forbidden History – Dragons or Dinosaurs” presents startling and verifiable evidence that humans walked with dinosaurs:
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The geologic column is filled with fossils. Does the fossil record provide evidence of Noah’s Flood, or evolution over “millions of years”? The video “The Fossil Record: Proof of Noah’s Flood or Evolution” provides convincing evidence the Fossil Record supports the year-long Flood as described in Genesis chapters 6-9:
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ApologeticsPress.org – Evidence for Coexistence of Humans & Dinosaurs6000Years.org – History of Dinosaurs