Creation Day 7 – Christ Millennial Reign
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Alright, since we now know this WHOLE THING is about a game — with a playing field, players, rules, coaches, and a game clock — I want you to think about something … do you play a game halfway through (or even further) until you know how it’s timed? No, you know the timing scenario from the beginning. You’re always aware of the game clock. That’s only fair.
For example, if you’re playing the game of American football, you need to know when you reach the final 2 minutes of the game, because at that point the sense of urgency increases, and you begin altering your play calling to win the game. Well, this is exactly how it is with the Game of Life! God understands “knowing the clock” is part of playing the Game of Life. And therefore, from the Creation of the World, God announced the ending time, as well as how many periods the total time would be divided into. It was all stated “from the beginning”!
So listen very closely to what I’m about to say … this is the ENTIRE REASON God used 7 DAYS in the Creation story! He didn’t need 6 days to create everything. He didn’t need one! He could have created everything in a millisecond, and left it at that. But no, He purposely chose to use 7 Days in the Creation event in order to lay out the timing scenario (the game clock) for the Game of Life.
Listen, if you want to tell time, you have to use numbers, right? Think about it … time is told with numbers. So this is why God used the number “7” in the Creation story. Right out of the gate, by utilizing 7 Days in the Creation story, God was announcing … “The Game of Life will be played for 7 periods, and then it will be over!”
It says in the Game of Life’s handbook:
“I am God, and there is no one like me, DECLARING the END from the BEGINNING” (Isaiah 46:9-10)
Wow! See, don’t take my word for it – take God’s! It’s right there in your Bible in black and white – God declared (spoke) the end from the beginning!
So listen, to fully understand this verse you need to understand the ENTIRE 7 Day Creation story is “the beginning”. Two verses will prove this. Jesus said:
“From the beginning of the Creation, God made them male and female” (Mark 10:6)
Jesus was talking about us (mankind) in this passage. We were created on Day 6 of Creation, but Jesus was still calling it “the beginning of the Creation”. In other words, what Jesus is saying here is the Creation story (all 7 days!) was “the beginning”.
Another time, Jesus said:
“He was a murderer from the beginning.” (John 8:44)
This was about Satan’s murder in the Garden of Eden, when he tricked Adam & Eve into sinning in the Garden of Eden, and they died spiritually. This happened shortly after the 7 Day Creation event — the Jews have a tradition where they believe it was 3 days later, or day 10 when this happened — and so Jesus is still rightly calling this event “the beginning”.
So listen, what these verses are proving is the 7 Day Creation week was one literal week of time — just like we know a “week” today — and these 7 Days together were “the beginning” of God’s 7,000 year Game of Life.
So, if you compare the first week of time to approximately 4,000 years having passed (when Jesus was on earth speaking) … do you see how that first week would easily be considered “the beginning”? I’m laboring on this point because I want you to understand that when God says “He declared the end from the beginning” it means He declared the end “in the 7 Day Creation story.”
It’s important to know all 7 days in the Creation story are “the beginning” because then all we have to do is look for the word “end” somewhere in the story, and we’ll know the time of the end! It really is that simple! And guess what? It’s there, just one time! It says this:
“And on the 7th Day God ENDED His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day” (Genesis 2:2)
Wait, what? God ENDED His WORK WHICH HE HAD MADE? Huh? Isn’t that a strange way for God to announce He quit working after 6 days? Friend, that’s because it’s prophecy! In those cryptic words, God was prophesying, “I’m going to DESTROY what I made!” And when? After 6 Days! After 6 “equal periods of time” are complete! Upon which the final period will commence, a time of rest, the 7th period.
So listen, the only thing God kept a secret in the Creation story was the length of these periods. The first record we have of it is through Moses in the Game of Life’s handbook:
“For a thousand years in God’s sight are but as a single day that passes” (Psalms 90:4)
In other words, each Creation Day FORETOLD of a FUTURE 1,000 year period! God then confirmed this truth again through Peter:
“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (II Peter 3:8)
By the way, don’t overlook how God prefaced that statement with … be NOT IGNORANT of this! God was saying … I’m about to say something very important, so PAY ATTENTION! And it was important, for God gave out the “secret key” to the length of the 7 periods He declared in the Creation story – each Creation day foretold of a future 1,000 year period!
Well friend, when Jesus left planet Earth, after his resurrection, and he sent the Comforter — whom he said would lead us into all truth — it didn’t take long for the Holy Spirit to start revealing to the early church fathers the 7 Day Creation story foretold of a 7,000 year plan God had for Earth. And they knew the “end” would come after 6 Days (or 6,000 years) which would be Christ’s 2nd Coming. And they knew that event would be followed by a restful 1,000 year Sabbath period on Earth, in fulfillment of Day 7 in the Creation story.
This millennial Sabbath would be the earthly reign of Jesus Christ with all the saints. John wrote about it in the Game of Life’s handbook in Revelation:
“Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection (Christ’s 2nd Coming) … for they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years” (Revelation 20:6)
And listen, this (7 Creation Day / 7,000 year) doctrine was not some odd doctrine known by only a few in the early church. No, it was widespread! They all knew it! Listen to the words of the early church fathers …
Barnabas wrote:
He speaks of the Sabbath at the beginning of the Creation, ‘And God made in six days the works of His hands and on the seventh day He made an end, and He rested on the seventh day, and He sanctified it.’ Consider, my children what this signifies: That He made an end in six days. The meaning of it is this: that in six thousand years the Creator will bring all things to an end, for with Him one day is a thousand years. He Himself testifies, saying, Behold the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years. Therefore children, in six days, that is in six thousand years, all things shall be accomplished. And He rested on the seventh day: He means this, that when His Son shall come He will destroy the season of the wicked one, and will judge the godless, and will change the sun and the moon and the stars, and then He will truly rest on the seventh day. (Epistle of Barnabas 15: 3-5, 70 – 130 AD)“
Irenaeus wrote:
For in as many days as this world was made, in so many thousand years shall it be concluded … This is an account of the things formerly created, as also it is a prophecy of what is to come. For the day of the Lord is as a thousand years; and in six days created things were completed; it is evident therefore, that they will come to an end at the six thousandth year. (Irenaeus 150 AD – was trained by Polycarp who was trained by John who wrote the Book of Revelation. Quote is from “Against Heresies” Book 5, 28, 3)
Hippolytus wrote:
And six thousand years must be accomplished, in order that the Sabbath may come, the rest, the holy day “on which God rested from all His works.” For the Sabbath is the type and emblem of the future kingdom of the saints, when they “shall reign with Christ,” when he comes from heaven, as John says in his Apocalypse: for “a day with the Lord is as a thousand years.” Since, then, in six days God made all things, it follows that six thousand years must be fulfilled. (Hippolytus – 170 – 235 AD)
And Lactantius wrote:
Therefore, since all the works of God were completed in six days, the world must continue in its present state through six ages, that is, six thousand years. And as God laboured during those six days in creating such great works, so His religion and truth must labour during these six thousand years, while wickedness prevails and bears rule. And again, since God, having finished His works, rested the seventh day and blessed it, at the end of the six thousandth year all wickedness must be abolished from the earth, and righteousness reign for a thousand years; and there must be tranquility and rest from the labours which the world now has long endured. (Lactantius 240 – 320 AD – Tutor to the son of the Roman Emperor Constantine, was a highly respected scholar. He wrote sometime before his death in 330 A.D. the following in “The Divine Institutes” Book 7, Chapter 25)
Wow! So there you go! This 7 Day / 7,000 Year plan of God is rooted in history! This is not something new! The early church fathers were absolutely convinced God had PURPOSELY utilized 7 Days in the Creation event in order to “declare the time of the end from the beginning.” And specifically, to announce the end is coming after 6 days/periods (earth’s 6,000 year) followed by Christ’s 1,000 year Sabbath reign. So just think … for 20 centuries now this 7 Day / 7,000 Year plan of God has been known and taught by God’s prophets!
This reminds me of an incredible encounter I had back in 1983, when I was just a young boy, 12 years old. I have to tell you this story. My dad had seen an ad in the newspaper about a “traveling prophet” who was going to speak in a church that we had never visited. Dad was curious what a “prophet” was today. You have to understand our family had only been going to church for 2 years at this time. So we didn’t know much!
Well we went, and near the end of the prophet’s message that night, he walked back the center aisle, pointed at me, and said:
“Stand up, son! Do you know God gave you your name? For it is Gabriel!” (He had my attention with that!) He continued, “Son, God’s placed the creativity of 4 men inside of you. And you will be like John the Baptist in the last days preparing the people to meet the Lord, for God is going to place you in a position one day to be able to influence multitudes of people!”
Wow! I sat down, bewildered. My head was spinning. Yet, I never forgot the words he spoke over me! It’s like they were permanently engraved in my mind. I mean think about it, I was only 12. And I never wrote them down. Yet I’ve never forgotten what he said. And I never tried to self-fulfill the words. I just lived my life. I finished high school. I went to college majoring in Chemistry & Biochemistry. I wanted to be a doctor. And then in my mid 20’s, of all things, I decided to move to Nashville, Tennessee to be a country music singer! Crazy! So as you can see, I wasn’t trying to make the prophets words be true in my life!
But then one night in 2005, here in Nashville, when I was 34 years old, God performed a miracle for me that was so stunning … it jolted God back to first place in my heart and mind. I mean the miracle was so amazing that all I could think about day and night was “How did God do that?” And let me tell you, it drove me to seek God and His Word like never before in my life! It began a 2½ year journey that ended with God giving me a message for the world about the Bible that is mind-blowing. And you can read all that in my 2008 book Undeniable Biblical Proof Jesus Christ Will Return to Planet Earth Exactly 2,000 Years After the Year of His Death.
But back to the prophet who called me out when I was 12 … guess what his message was that night? Would you believe he was preaching God’s 7 Day Creation story foretold of a complete 7,000 year plan He had for planet earth! I remember it like it was yesterday! He had a big chart up front on an easel showing it. And since it was 1983 (and he knew Ussher’s 4004 BC Creation date), he knew earth’s 6,000 year was soon coming around the year 2000.
Now let me explain something to you about God’s 7 Day / 7,000 year prophecy … a lot of preachers (for no reason at all!) had it in their head that the year of Christ’s BIRTH was earth’s 4,000 year. The prophet that spoke over me didn’t say that that night, but I learned of this recently. So if you believe Christ BIRTH was year 4000 (which is near year 0 on our Gregorian calendar) then obviously right near AD 2000 would have been earth’s 6,000 year. Many prominent prophecy preachers today believed this! And so in AD 2008 — the year I was writing my book! — I heard them all begin abandoning God’s 7 Day/7,000 year truth! They began preaching Earth’s 6,000 year had now come and gone, even though obviously Jesus had not returned! I was flabbergasted! They were tossing aside 20 centuries of God’s prophets! Shocking!
But I’m here to tell you … these modern day “prophets” are wrong! For it was NOT the year of Christ’s BIRTH that was earth’s 4,000 year … it was the year of his DEATH (on the cross) that was earth’s 4,000 year!!! And God prophesied this fact over TEN TIMES in His Word! But sadly, throughout history, no one knew it! But God revealed these things to me in AD 2008, the year I wrote my book, and I’m going to reveal them to you in this video series. Jesus DIED in the year AD 28 on our calendar (which was earth’s 4,000 year) and he will return AD 2028 (which will be earth’s 6,000 year)! It’s that simple.
So here I am now in the 2020’s preaching the same message the prophet was preaching who called me out when I was 12, just with more details! Listen to me, God’s 7 Day / 7,000 year plan for this earth is alive and well! It’s still in effect! Twenty centuries of God’s prophets were not wrong! Earth’s 6,000 year has NOT come yet! It will arrive in AD 2028.
The prophet said over me in 1983 … “God’s going to place you in a position one day to be able to influence multitudes.” Well, here I am on the internet, making videos and writing books, reaching millions of people! I made a 2028 END movie in 2013/2014 that now has over 10 million views. We’re sending books and posters around the world. We have 3 websites revealing the stunning truths of God’s Word. It’s amazing to me what all God’s done. And even more amazing … the words of that prophet back in 1983 have all come true!
So look, this is where God’s 7 Creation Day / 7,000 Year Plan has stood now for 20 centuries. They’ve known Day 7 in the Creation story was prophetic about earth’s 7th millennium. They knew the words “rest” and “sanctification” in that day (to set apart as holy) were prophetic words about the “rest” and “holiness” that will exist during the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth, when Satan will be locked up in the bottomless pit.
But are you ready for this … here’s what they didn’t know! In other words, here’s what we have no written record of anyone ever knowing throughout history! Are you ready? It wasn’t just Day 7 in the Creation story that contained prophetic words about its future millennium – it was all 6 days before it!!! EACH day in the Creation story contained prophesy about its future millennium!
In other words, Day 1 of Creation contained a prophecy about what would happen during earth’s first 1,000 years. Day 2 of Creation contained a prophecy about what would happen during earth’s second 1,000 years. And on and on with each Creation Day! And these weren’t just little meaningless events that were prophesied. No, these were hands down THE BIGGEST EVENTS to occur during each respective future millennium in God’s plan for this earth! Friend, when this is learned, I don’t know how anyone could deny the truth of God’s 7 Day / 7,000 year plan for planet Earth! This prophetic information cements God’s 7 Day / 7,000 year plan as absolute truth!
So this is what the next 6 parts of this video series are going to be about. We’re going to go through each Creation Day, and I’m going to reveal to you the hidden prophetic words contained in each about their respective future millennium. And I pray the world wakes up to these truths, and preachers begin teaching it all over the world. People need to know the Game Clock for God’s Game of Life is quickly running out!!!
“Undeniable Biblical Proof Jesus Christ Will Return To Planet Earth Exactly 2,000 Years After The Year of His Death”
(Written by: Gabriel Ansley Erb)