Declaring the End from the Beginning (Isaiah 46:10)
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Please, allow me just 4 minutes of your time. For what I’m about to tell you is going to affect you, your family, and your friends. And it’s coming real soon! What I’m talking about is this … we’ve now arrived at the final decade — less than 10 years to go! — till the return of Jesus Christ!
God said in His Word:
I have DECLARED the END from the BEGINNING (Isaiah 46:9-10)
Well, the “beginning” was the Creation story. So how did God declare the end in the Creation story? By using 7 days in it. Each Creation Day foretold of a future 1,000 year period, for a total 7,000 year plan God has for planet Earth. But here’s the exciting thing, to absolutely prove this is fact, God hid prophecy in EACH Creation day foretelling the greatest event He had planned to occur in that day’s future millennium.
So for example, in Creation Day 1 God foretold the fall of Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden. And it happened Earth’s first 1,000 years — year 1. It was the greatest event of Earth’s first millenium. And God had prophesied of it in Day 1 of Creation.
In Day 2 of Creation God foretold the global Flood of Noah’s day. And like clockwork, it took place Earth’s second 1,000 years — year 1,656. The story of Noah, the Ark, and the Flood was itself a prophesy, foretelling what’s going to happen on Earth the day of Christ’s return. So the global Flood was by far the biggest event of Earth’s second millenium. And God had prophesied of it in Day 2 of Creation.
And the prophesies continue with each Creation Day, each being fulfilled in its future millennium. Moses and the Red Sea Parting was prophesied in Day 3. Jesus and John the Baptist were prophesied in Day 4. The outpouring of the Holy Ghost was prophesied in Day 5. The Antichrist was prophesied in Day 6. And Christ’s 1,000 year kingdom reign on Earth was prophesied in Day 7. Only Days 6 & 7 are yet to be fulfilled, with the Antichrist fulfilling his role in the next 10 years, followed by Jesus Christ’s return to planet Earth.
Friend, this is the greatest revelation of our day! This is the knowledge the world needs to hear to settle it once and for all. The Bible is real! God is real! Heaven and hell are real! And we will ALL stand in front of God one day and be judged for how we lived on this Earth
So this information — and much more! — is now available for free in a 10 part “2028 END” video series linked below. Listen, nothing could be more important to you, your family, and your friends, then learning God’s plan for this Earth and the time of the End. This way you can prepare for what’s about to happen! May God bless you with ears to hear.
“Undeniable Biblical Proof Jesus Christ Will Return To Planet Earth Exactly 2,000 Years After The Year of His Death”
(Written by: Gabriel Ansley Erb)